Posts tagged Emergency Room
When You Have An Emergency, Where Should You Seek Treatment - Emergency Department or Statcare?

If you’re like most people, you have probably had a medical emergency at some point in life. Perhaps you woke up in the middle of the night with stomach pain, twisted your ankle doing something around the house and later find your ankle is swollen and can’t walk, or maybe even a child has spiked a fever outside of the pediatrician’s office hours. When a situation like any of these occurs, knowing the difference between Statcare and the emergency department and where you should go could save your life. Today we’re going to talk about treatment, costs and more that are associated with each type of care facility with Mercy Medical Center’s Barbara Frustaci, administrative director ambulatory services.

Pharmacists and hosts, Brad White and Paul White talk with Mercy Medical Center’s Barbara Frustaci about treatment options at Statcare and Emergency Departments.

Pharmacists and hosts, Brad White and Paul White talk with Mercy Medical Center’s Barbara Frustaci about treatment options at Statcare and Emergency Departments.

Barbara Frustaci, Ambulatory Services Mercy Medical Center