There has never been a time to be more aware of your personal health and wellbeing. Complementary therapies may yield significant positive effects on both the physical and mental health of patients. In this webinar, which is open to everybody, we will talk about options that may help in modulating patients' immune system, as therapies researched to offer antiviral and antibacterial properties, and how it can have a profound impact on their lives by helping them in achieving the most optimal well-being.
Hosted By:
Brad White, RPh
Medicine Center Pharmacy Pharmacist, Brad White, RPh will discuss all about the potential effects of natural therapies in maintaining good health. He regularly hosts webinars on health related topics and therapies and how they may impact one’s overall health positively.
Chris Jurist
Chris Jurist is the Vice President and Owner of im·bue botanicals and will talk all about the positive impact of alternative therapies on one’s health, providing information on the possible benefits of using natural therapies to improve the health of patients everywhere.
Zoom Video Archive Here:
If you have questions about health and wellness therapies then I encourage you to speak with one of our pharmacists. You can schedule a one on one consultation by clicking here or call the Medicine Center Pharmacy nearest you.
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an intermediate in the natural synthesis of the essential amino acid tryptophan to serotonin. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of endocrine and brain activity responsible for emotion, appetite, and sleep/wake cycles.